





What is Falcon 2GO
It is the combination of a fast rising instant dry yeast and a high performance emulsifier free bread improver. The bread improver part is a unique combination of flour treatment agents and food enzymes. The ongoing research in our R&D department resulted in a product that is suitable for almost all bakery products and all processes.

Available products
  - Falcon 2GO LC: instant dry yeast with bread improver for low sugar, crusty bread types
  - Falcon 2GO HS: instant dry yeast with bread improver for soft bread types, typically rich in sugar

How to use
  - Replace the amount of standard instant dry yeast by the same amount of Falcon 2GO
  - Eliminate the bread improver from the recipe
  - Prepare the dough as usual

  - Convenience: only one product to scale
  - Improved dough properties
  - Very good dough stability and fermentation tolerance
  - High volume finished products
  - Uniform crumb structure
  - Value for money

Frequently asked questions

During the day I adjust the amount of yeast, how does this work with Falcon 2GO?
For an enzyme based bread improver, the amount of improver depends on the proofing time. The shorter the proofing time, the more enzymes you need. So this goes together with the amount of yeast added.

I use a softener next to the normal bread improver; do I remove the softener too?
Falcon 2GO results in bread with good softness, but we suggest to keep the softener in the recipe; only remove the standard bread improver.

Can Falcon 2GO be used for all bread types?
Our experience is that this product can be used in almost all recipes and processes. Its use is not recommended in products that need overproof. This type of products require a strong emulsifier like DATEM.

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